Rod Drop Monitor and Transmitter Module
This module measures the piston rod drop for reciprocating machines and meets the requirements of API-670 providing all the features of VC210A with relay outputs as trip, and an on-board display to show the instantaneous value of rod drop values (either probe distance to rod or actual rider point). Besides that, VC200R has 4-20mA output signal which may be transmitted to PLC/DCS or any other standard recorder. Sensor error, Danger/ Alarm status , alarm delay, bypass, latching or non-latching relays, energise and non-energised relays are also provided. also Three measurement modes which consist from reference point, average mode and maximum drop point of piston rod. Just like other transmitters terminal for remote reset / Modbus RTU (RS-485) protocol communication is supported.
• Keyphasor® signal
• Rod Drop value 4-20mA Outputs
• Measurement in 3 Mode Keyphasor® triggered Average Mode
Maximum drop point of rod
• sensor OK status LED
• DIN Rail Mounting
• Push-in type connectors
• Energize and De-energize relay selection
• Delay shutdown function
• Modbus RTU support
• Installation Up/Downward position
• Rotational speed display in RPM
Displacement Sensor : (Other sensitivities available)
Measurement : Average, Max.Drop Point Keyphasor® Triggered
Measurement Range : 0-2mm
Keyphasor® Input : 200mv/mils Displacement Sensor or photo Electric Sensor
Power Input : +24 V DC (50 mA)
Output : 4-20 mA= 0-2 mm
Adjustment potentiometer
(in front of panel) : Adjustment of zero point
Relays : 1 SPDT, 1A Form C 24Vdc
Status LED : 3 LEDs RPM of Machine, Danger Relay, Sensor Error
Mounting : DIN Rail TS35 (Top Hat)
Dimensions : 134 x 99 x 22.5 mm (H x D x W) including BNC
Connections : Push in Clamp
Conductor Size : 0.5 to 4.0 mm
Weight : 110 g (nom)
Installation Category (IEC664) : II
Equipment Class (IEC536) : III
EMC : EN61326-1:2013